Shâm‛ah (Exodus) 19:5
‘And now, if you diligently obey My voice, and shall guard My covenant, then you shall be My treasured possession above all the peoples
– for all the earth is Mine –
Why there are NO Animal Sacrifices today and the 613 commandments.
You have to have a good foundation in the Tôrâh to understand each book. Let's look what each book of the Tôrâh means-
Râ'shyth (Genesis)- First, Beginning, First Fruits, The beginning of Time, person, place and thing.
The start of the Heavens and Earth and everything in it was formed. The First Fruits of everything. The Seed.
Shâm‛ah (Exodus)- Hear- Report, understand and Obedience.
They heard His voice of obedience to put them in understanding on how to live as HIS PEOPLE!
Qârâh (Leviticus)- A Call, Meeting or Event "Gathering His people to meet" (One Assembly) or bringing them together.
The Priesthood was setup. The Tent of appointment was set up and the animal sacrifices and offerings were setup. Note; how clean everything had to be to bring an offering to the Creator in the place of order where He put His name.
Mispâr (Numbers)- A Record, Scroll or Census of the People (Assembly)- a counting as a recording.
Dâbâr (Deuteronomy)- Order, Word. An arrangement or placement of something creating order, a careful arrangement of words or commands. Dâbâr is also the word for "Wilderness"
The teachings, directions and instructions on living life and how to be His people. Yaśâr'âl (ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE OR ASSEMBLY)
Râ'shyth (Genesis) 28:3 “And Âl Shâddây bless you, and make you fruitful and increase you, and you shall become an assembly of peoples.
We know that ''Âḇrâm (Abraham), Tsâchaq (Isaac) and A‛âqaḇ (Jacob) walked in obedience to our Creator. They didn't have to build a tent of appointment and have a priesthood to perform the offerings as we see in Shâm‛ah (Exodus) & Qârâh (Leviticus). Remember reading about Joseph being sold to the Mitsrites in the book of Râ'shyth (Genesis) and didn't all the branches (Tribes) move to Mâtsôr(Mitsrayim) (Egypt)? Yes! What happened after that? The bânâh (children) of Yaśâr'âl grew bigger and bigger in the land. Remember the first "Pharaoh" at that time died and a NEW "Pharaoh" started to reign? He wanted all the first born bânâh (children) of Yaśâr'âl who were boys killed. He didn't want them multiplying anymore to get bigger in the land. Then that sovereign put them all in bondage or slavery. As the bânâh (children) of Yaśâr'âl lived in Mâtsôr(Mitsrayim) (Egypt), they picked up the ways of the nations, same as today.
When 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY brought them out of Mâtsôr(Mitsrayim) (Egypt) or as we know it today "The World" AS ONE GROUP, He had to teach them obedience, order and had to have them FEAR HIM, humble themselves so that He could circumcise their heart. He had to bring them into the wilderness( a place of order, same as Dâbâr (Deuteronomy)) as ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE OR ASSEMBLY to do that. Get them away from Babel (Confusion) of the world. Which we know as religions today.
So as we read throughout the Tôrâh, the children didn't put their trust in 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY, they complained and didn't listen to His voice. They didn't trust where 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY was leading them. They HAD NO TRUST in our Creator!
Dâbâr (Deuteronomy) 9:23 “And when 'ÂDôN sent you from Qaḏěsh Barněa, saying, ‘Go up and possess the land which I have given you,’ then you rebelled against the mouth of 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY, and you neither trusted Him nor listened to His voice.
So for the animal sacrifices they needed to bring different offerings if someone broke commands as they were in the WILDERNESS as ONE PEOPLE or ONE ASSEMBLY. Where are the children of Yaśâr'âl now? Scattered in all the earth "The WORLD" right back in Mâtsôr(Mitsrayim) (Egypt) (UNCLEAN world) as he tells us in Dâbâr (Deuteronomy). Doesn't the Creator have to put his name/character somewhere and have a priesthood setup to do these sacrifices? Yes! So we can't do animal sacrifices as his people are scattered back in the world around the confusion(Babel) again. He has to bring us out again as ONE Peoples or ONE ASSEMBLY! "Yaśâr'âl " -Remember, Yaśâr'âl means to be instructed by 'ÂL or 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY. To be instructed and taught by our Creator!
He rose up his Nâbâ's (Prophets) to warn us to turn back and OBEY HIS VOICE. How hard is it today to be "set apart" from what the nations or MAN wants you to do? Trust in 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY and NOT MAN!!!
This is the reason we can't follow all the "613 Commandments" that Christianity uses as an excuse because they were taught wrong by BABEL(Religion). 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY tells us in the TORAH that we will all be brought up in the falsehood of MAN (Babel). They were in the place of order "Wilderness" and were ALL ONE group of PEOPLE- Yaśâr'âl. Again, where is Yaśâr'âl at today? Scattered in the nations!
Dâbâr(Deu) 28:64 “And 'ÂDôN shall scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other, and there you shall serve other mighty ones, which neither you nor your fathers have known, wood and stone.
Dâbâr(Deu) 30:3-5 then 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY shall turn back your captivity, and shall have compassion on you, and He shall turn back and gather you from all the peoples where 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY has scattered you. “If any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under the heavens, from there 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY does gather you, and from there He does take you. “And 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY shall bring you to the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it. And He shall do good to you, and increase you more than your fathers.
Dâbâr(Deu) 31:16-18 And 'ÂDôN said to Mosheh, “See, you are about to sleep with your fathers. And this people shall rise and whore after the mighty ones of the strangers of the land into the midst of which they shall enter, and forsake Me and break My covenant which I have made with them. “Then My displeasure shall burn against them in that day, and I shall forsake them and hide My face from them, and they shall be consumed. And many evils and distresses shall come upon them, and it shall be said in that day, ‘Is it not because our 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY is not in our midst that these evils have come upon us?’ “And I shall certainly hide My face in that day, because of all the evil which they have done, for they shall turn to other mighty ones.
Rûmyâh (Jer)7:21 Thus said 'ÂDôN of hosts, the 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY of Yaśâr'âl , “Add your ascending offerings to your slaughterings and eat meat. 22 “For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Mitsrayim, about matters of ascending offerings or slaughterings. 23 “But this word I did command them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I shall be your Âlâhym , and you be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, so that it be well with you. 27 For thus said 'ÂDôN , “All the earth shall be a ruin, but I shall not make a complete end.
Rûmyâh (Jer) 29:13 And you shall seek Me, and shall find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 And I shall be found by you,’ declares 'ÂDôN, ’and I shall turn back your captivity, and shall gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, declares 'ÂDôN. And I shall bring you back to the place from which I have exiled you.’
This is why He sent the Nâbâ (Prophet) Rûmyâh (Jeremiah) into the nations to warn HIS people to TURN BACK to that ANCIENT PATH where the good way is. Prophet Rûmyâh (Jeremiah) was also warning the Priest, Prophets, Sovereigns and Governors to stop leading our Creator's flock astray.
How hard is it to love 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY with all your heart, OBEY HIS VOICE and GUARD HIS COMMANDS?? HIS VOICE- The 10 commandments HE SPOKE!
For the 613 commandments, well a lot of that was for the priesthood of 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY at that time. These were commandments and laws given to the Priest at that time. For example: Laws for Burnt Offerings,Laws for Grain Offerings, Laws for Peace Offerings, Laws for Sin Offerings & Laws for Guilt Offerings. Go read that in the Torah. We can't do that as we are scattered and 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY hasn't brought us together "AS ONE PEOPLE". We know the Priesthood of 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY has not been setup yet for the second time. Didn't He have to bring the first group out of the "World" and take them to a place of order 'THE WILDERNESS" ? YES!
By the way, who will be Priest again for our Creator?
Shâm‛ah (Exodus) 19:5-6 ‘And now, if you diligently obey My voice, and shall guard My covenant, then you shall be My treasured possession above all the peoples – for all the earth is Mine –‘and you shall be to Me a reign of priests and a set-apart nation.’ Those are the words which you are to speak to the children of Yaśâr'âl."
But there are commands we should be doing today.
Obey HIS Voice (Ten Commandments) and GUARD! Exodus 19:5-6 -Exodus 20- Everlasting Covenant!
His Sabbath which He spoke and to remember throughout your generations. (A SIGN)- GUARD!
Circumcising the foreskin of a male child
Clean and Unclean Animals (Food laws)
Laws about bodily discharges
Laws against eating blood
Unlawful sexual relations
NO HUMAN Sacrifices
Sexual Immorality laws
He will bring His people out again like the first time.
Now for the issue of "Stone them to death". This was the death penalty in those days. They didn't have electric chairs back then. So at the mouth of two or three witnesses and in front of a Judge or Priest in those days a man or woman was put to death by stoning. Let's read this,
Deu 17:2-7 “When there is found in your midst, in any of your cities which 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY (MASTER GOD ALMIGHTY) is giving you, a man or a woman who does what is evil in the eyes of 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY , in transgressing His covenant, and has gone and served other mighty ones and bowed down to them, or to the sun or to the moon or to any of the host of the heavens, which I have not commanded, and it has been made known to you and you have heard, and have searched diligently. Then see, if true: the matter is confirmed that such an abomination has been done in Yisra’ěl, then you shall bring out to your gates that man or woman who has done this evil matter, and you shall stone to death that man or woman with stones. “At the mouth of two or three witnesses shall he that is to die be put to death. He is not put to death by the mouth of one witness. “The hand of the witnesses shall be first against him to put him to death, and the hand of all the people last. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.
Mouth of two or three witnesses was like a jury we have today. Stone to death was the way they did the death penalty in those days. We also want to note what this man or woman did wrong, worshiping other false mighty ones (Gods) that MAN gave them and/or worshiping the sun, moon and stars which our Creator DID NOT COMMAND. Go back and read the first three commandments our Creator Spoke and wrote in stone and read all Deuteronomy chapter 4.
Please search for 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY with all your heart and have Him teach you and show you. He did tell us this;
Rûmyâh (Jer)7:21 Thus said 'ÂDôN of hosts, the 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY of Yaśâr'âl , “Add your ascending offerings to your slaughterings and eat meat. 22 “For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Mitsrayim, about matters of ascending offerings or slaughterings. 23 “But this word I did command them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I shall be your Âlâhym , and you be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, so that it be well with you. 27 For thus said 'ÂDôN, “All the earth shall be a ruin, but I shall not make a complete end.
How about Samuel,
SHÂM'ÂL 1 15:22 Then Shemu’ěl said, “Does 'ÂDôN delight in ascending offerings and slaughterings, as in obeying the voice of 'ÂDôN? Look, to obey is better than a slaughtering, to heed is better than the fat of rams.
The TEN COMMANDMENTS that HE SPOKE TO THE ASSEMBLY (ONE PEOPLE) Yaśâr'âl and was written in stone by our Creator! (OBEY HIS VOICE) An everlasting covenant!!!
Deu 5:22 “These Words 'ÂDôN spoke to all your assembly, in the mountain from the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a loud voice, and He added no more. And He wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me.
"to ALL your assembly" = Yaśâr'âl (ONE PEOPLE) (ONE SON)
Christians, Please also see the definition of "Altar" and "Sacrifice" Same word. Zâbach (zaw-bakh') H2076 and AH# 2117 which means: The killing of an animal for food or sacrifice. Nothing about a human. Please see the tab "NO HUMAN SACRIFICES"
Please also see the tabs on "What is Sin..... Obey My Voice and "Sources".
Let's look at Mâtsôr(Mitsrayim) (Egypt)
Mâtsôr(Mitsrayim) (Egypt) means a Besiege nation and military nation or nations. Doesn't every country have military today? Yes!
Mâtsôr(Mitsrayim) (Egypt) is the "World" today!
Shâm‛ah (Exodus) 7:11 But Pharaoh also called the wise men and the practisers of witchcraft. And they, the magicians of Mâtsôr(Mitsrayim) (Egypt), also did so with their magic.
Didn't 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY warn us about these nations of the "World" ?
Dâbâr(Deu)18:9-14 “When you come into the land which 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY is giving you, do not learn to do according to the abominations of those nations. “Let no one be found among you who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practises divination, or a user of magic, or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer, 11 or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. “For whoever does these is an abomination to 'ÂDôN, and because of these abominations 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY drives them out from before you. “Be perfect before 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY , for these nations whom you are possessing do listen to those using magic and to diviners. But as for you, 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY has not appointed such for you.
Dâbâr(Deu) 29:15-18 but with him who stands here with us today before 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY, as well as with him who is not here with us today. “For you know how we dwelt in the land of Mâtsôr(Mitsrayim) (Egypt) and how we passed through the nations which you passed through, and you saw their abominations and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were with them, lest there should be among you a man or woman or clan or tribe, whose heart turns away today from 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY, to go and serve the mighty ones of these nations, lest there should be among you a root bearing bitterness or wormwood.
Search for our Creator, 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY (ALMIGHTY) with ALL your Heart! Flee from Babel(Religions) (MAN'S OWN UNDERSTANDINGS AND TRADITIONS.)
Please have eyes to see and ears to hear, turn back and OBEY 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY'S VOICE! Let the Master of ALL Life teach you, as He is the Teacher! All praises, glory, esteem and blessings go to our beautiful Creator!