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Falsehood of the Virgin Birth

Before you read this, please see the tab "DIVINATION" and read it first!

As 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY tells us in the instructions of life (Torah), that we're all born into the falsehood of this world (Religion), we are also "TESTED" to see if you would believe MAN or "something other than" over our Creator and disobey our Creator! He tested 'âdam (Adam) and châvâh (Eve) in the Garden with divination (nahash)(Serpent) (A FORM), you don't think He would test us? Let's look at the "Virgin Birth" for this New Testament "Ba'al(MAN) idol". The MEN of BABEL (Religion) teaches you that if you don't believe in this "Virgin Birth", then you're probably a JEW or you have no faith and belief. So sad how they are trained to put guilt on you and teach their doctrines that are complete falsehood. So sad that people took the word of MAN and didn't even search to the ancient path to see what MAN twisted. What the MEN of BABEL (Religion) did here was made their OWN doctrine and forced it on the people. Remember, if you were reading the Torah and the Prophets, you would have known what MAN has done to our Creator's word and you would know that 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY(ALMIGHTY) "TESTS" His people. Let's remember what happen when the Creator tested Adam and Eve, 


Gen 3:1  And the naḥash(serpent) was more crafty than all the lives of the field which 'ÂDôN  'ÂL SHÂDDÂY had made, and he said to the woman, “Is it true that 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY has said, ‘Do not eat of every tree of the garden’?”

Gen 3:13  And 'ÂDôN  'ÂL SHÂDDÂY said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” And the woman said, “The naḥash deceived me, and I ate.”  (They were tested with a "FORM" and Divination!)

Remember, if you read the tab "DIVINATION" you would've known that when you take Prophets out of context to show or setup something in the future or a future event, that is divining!

Moving on,

Dâbâr (Deuteronomy) 13:3-5  do not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY is trying you to know whether you love 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY with all your heart and with all your being. “Walk after 'ÂDôN  'ÂL SHÂDDÂY and fear Him, and guard His commands and obey His voice, and serve Him and cling to Him. “And that prophet or that dreamer of dreams is put to death, because he has spoken apostasy against 'ÂDôN  'ÂL SHÂDDÂY– who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim and ransomed you from the house of bondage – to make you stray from the way in which 'ÂDôN  'ÂL SHÂDDÂY commanded you to walk. Thus you shall purge the evil from your midst. 

YÂSHÂYÂH (ISAIAH) 24:5  For the earth has been defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the Tôrâh, changed the law, broken the everlasting covenant. 6  Therefore a curse shall consume the earth, and those who dwell in it be punished. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth shall be burned, and few men shall be left. 

YÂSHÂYÂH (ISAIAH) 29:13  And 'ÂDôN says, “Because this people has drawn near with its mouth, and with its lips they have esteemed Me, and it has kept its heart far from Meand their fear of Me has become a command of men that is taught!

Rûmyâh (JEREMIAH) 23:36  “But the message of 'ÂDôN you no longer rememberFor every man’s message is his own word, for you have changed the Words of the living Alahym, 'ÂDôN of hosts, our Alahym! 

Let's look where we find this "Falsehood of the Virgin Birth" in the New Testament. 

KJV - Mat 1:23  Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.  Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:  And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS. 

ISR-Mat 1:23-25  “See, an almah’ shall conceive, and she shall give birth to a Son, and they shall call His Name Immanu’ěl,”  which translated, means, “Ěl with us.”  And Yosěph, awaking from his sleep, did as the messenger of יהוה commanded him and took his wife, but knew her not until she gave birth to her Son, the first-born. And he called His Name יהושע. 

Messianic's, please understand that this is still the same idol, it doesn't matter if you change this mans name, same MAN idol!

Now let's look where this is being pulled out of context: 

Let's first note that if you read Isaiah Chapter 7 to Chapter 9 in context, then you will see that this was for King 'âchaz (Ahaz) in HIS day.

Isa 7:1  And it came to be in the days of 'âchaz (Aḥaz) son of Yotham, son of Uzziyahu, sovereign of Yehuḏah, that Retsin sovereign of Aram and Peqaḥ son of Remalyah, sovereign of Yaśâr'âl , went up to Yerushalayim to fight against it, but could not prevail against it. 

Moving on;

Isa 7:10  And 'ÂDôN spoke again to Aḥaz, saying, 
Isa 7:11  “Ask a sign for yourself from
'ÂDôN your Alahym; make deep the request or make it high.” 
Isa 7:12  But Aḥaz said, “I do not ask nor try
'ÂDôN !” 

ISR- Isa 7:14  “Therefore 'ÂDôN Himself gives you a sign: Look, the ‘almah’ conceives and gives birth to a son, and shall call His Name Immanu’ěl. 

​KJV- Isa 7:14  Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 

JPS-Isa 7:14  Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: behold, the young woman shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 

Remember "You" in this verse is for King Ahaz not for us later in the future! 

Christian's and Messianic's, pay attention! This comes from the King James bible.

(KJV+)  ThereforeH3651 the LordH136 himselfH1931 shall giveH5414 you a sign;H226 Behold,H2009 a virginH5959 shall conceive,H2029 and bearH3205 a son,H1121 and shall callH7121 his nameH8034 Immanuel.H6005

So we see that the KJV put "Virgin" in this verse but references it to H5959 which is "almah"


First- ‛almâh H5959 and AH# 1357 means a young female at a prime age to work.  

Note: Virgin in Hebrew is Bâthul'ah H1330 AH # 2045

bâthulah: a virgin
Transliteration: bâthulah
Phonetic Spelling: (beth-oo-law')
Short Definition: virgin

This was mistranslated or TWISTED by the bible scholars when they wrote the falsehood to show a virgin birth in the New Testament. A new "Mighty One" for the people"

Now some people will say "Well how were we suppose to know this, we were just reading the word as we were taught to do by our pastor or priest". That's understandable, but if you were reading the Torah you would understand that the Creator warned us about "No Human Sacrifices"  and every man dies for his OWN SIN. You would have read Exodus 4:22, His son being Yaśâr'âl (SEED) and that the Creator doesn't change. If you did read it, why didn't you question your church? Because you trusted in a MAN with a Seminary Degree. The church has you reading in a NEW WORD. You went and believed MAN and MAN's OWN understanding (MEN of BABEL, Religion) Confusion. The FALSEHOOD that the Creator told us we would be brought up in throughout our generations. You would've also known by reading the Prophets that MAN leaned on their own understandings and that they changed the word of the living 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY (ALMIGHTY, CREATOR). This is the issue today; you read the word the way MAN/ Religion wants you to understand it. You put your trust in a the Pastor or the Priest (MAN) or "The Church" as the New Testament teaches you to do. "Submit to Man".  The Creator also told us that we would have to search for Him with ALL of our Heart and search His word (Torah) out to find Him. Didn't He tell us to mediate day and night in His Torah? Yes! The problem today is that every one is so busy with all the other things in life as the MEN of BABEL wanted to do to you by keeping you busy and in traditions, so you would not search the word out. Can we say that MAN, Religion (Babel) has deceived the WHOLE WORLD? YES!  If you read the Torah, you would understand that the crooked and corrupted priesthood was also brought down from generation to generation. What we have today, nothing new under the sun!

Now let's look at this: 

Isaiah 7:11 “Ask a sign for yourself from 'ÂDôN your Âlâhym; make deep the request or make it high.”   (This was to King Ahaz)

Ahaz refused to ask, so our Creator gave him a sign. Remember this is in King Ahaz days and this was KING AHAZ, NOT US!  Note: When MAN takes a Prophet out of context to show something "in the Future" That is divining and Fortune telling.


Isa 7:1  And it came to be in the days of Aḥaz son of Yotham, son of Uzziyahu, sovereign of Yehuḏah, that Retsin sovereign of Aram and Peqaḥ son of Remalyah, sovereign of Yaśâr'âl , went up to Yerushalayim to fight against it, but could not prevail against it. 

The actual sign is this:

Isaiah 7:16 “For before the Child knows to refuse evil and choose the good, the land that you dread is to be forsaken by both her sovereigns."

The sign pertains to what will happen by the time the child reaches a certain age. The sign is NOT "a young woman conceiving.

This is stated in verse 1 of the chapter:

Isaiah 7:1 And it came to be in the days of Aḥaz son of Yotham, son of Uzziyahu, sovereign of Yehuḏah, that Retsin sovereign of Aram and Peqaḥ son of Remalyah, sovereign of Yaśâr'âl , went up to Yerushalayim to fight against it, but could not prevail against it.

Both of their enemies, sovereigns were the kings Retsin and Peqah.

And we read:

2 Kings 15:25 And Peqaḥ son of Remalyah, a chief officer of his, conspired against him and smote him in Shomeron, in the high place of the sovereign’s house, along with Argoḇ and Aryĕh, and with him were fifty men of Gilʽaḏ. So he killed him and reigned in his place.

2 Kings 16:9 And the sovereign of Ashshur listened to him. And the sovereign of Ashshur went up against Dammeseq and captured it, and exiled it to Qir, and he killed Retsin.

The two kings Retsin and Peqah - BOTH DEAD. And in the next verse we read:

2 Kings 16:10 And Sovereign Aḥaz went to meet Tiḡlath-Pileser sovereign of Ashshur at Dummeseq

Both sovereigns over the land that Ahaz dreaded were removed, in KING AHAZ LIFETIME, as a sign to HIM - just as our Creator promised him. FULFILLED, back in THAT DAY.

So if you go to Isaiah 8:3 this will show you who the child is.

Isa 8:3  And I went to the prophetess, and she conceived and bore a son. And 'ÂDôN said to me, “Call his name Mahěr-Shalal-Ḥash-Baz;

Isa 8:8  “And he shall pass through Yehuḏah, he shall overflow and pass over, reaching up to the neck. And the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of Your land, O Immanu’ěl.

‛immânû'êl -  This means that 'ÂL(Creator) is with him. He was with the Child.

From H5973 and H410 with suffix pronoun inserted; with us (is) God; Immanuel

This was a sign to King Ahaz and it was spoken to King Ahaz (by the prophet Isaiah) that King Ahaz SAW FULFILLED BACK IN HIS DAY. 

Please read chapter 7 to 9 in context in Isaiah and you will see this for yourself. 

PLAIN TO SEE THAT THE "FULFILLMENT TEXT or can we say worthless divination  IN MATTHEW 1:23 IS FALSE! It shows divination when the writers of the New Testament made this a "Future event" and clearly it was in King Ahaz's days. Complete FALSEHOOD from the New Testament and the Church of England!

Adam and Eve only heard His voice and saw NO FORM and Mashah (Moses) warned us that we saw NO FORM when the Creator came down in the thick cloud and consuming fire.  Please see the tab "Obey His Voice"

Gen 3:8  And they heard the voice of 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY walking about in the garden in the cool of the day, and Aḏam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of 'ÂDôN  'ÂL SHÂDDÂY among the trees of the garden. 

​Deu 4:12  “And 'ÂDôN spoke to you out of the midst of the fire. You heard a voice of words, but saw no form, you only heard a voice. 

Deu 4:15  “Therefore, diligently guard yourselves, for you saw no form when 'ÂDôN  spoke to you at Ḥorěḇ out of the midst of the fire

Num 23:19  "'ÂL is not a man, to lie; nor a son of man, to repent! Has He said, and would He not do it; or spoken, and would not confirm it? 

Hos 11:9  “I shall not let the heat of My wrath burn, I shall not turn to destroy Ephrayim. For I am 'ÂL, and not man, the Set-apart One in your midst, and I shall not come in enmity. 

Remember the golden calf incident in Exodus 32 and how it was a "Great Sin" when they made a golden calf (A FORM) out of gold and worshiped it as being  'ÂL SHÂDDÂY (GOD ALMIGHTY). When you worship a MAN and think it is 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY in the flesh,  you're doing the exact same as they did with the golden calf. The Great Sin was breaking the first three commandments that our Creator SPOKE and WROTE in STONE! Nothing new under the sun. Please see the tab "Golden Calf"

Exodus 32:30  And it came to be on the next day that Mosheh said to the people, “You, you have sinned a great sin. And now I am going up to 'ÂDôN – if I might atone for your sin.” 31  And Mosheh returned to 'ÂDôN and said, “Oh, these people have sinned a great sin, and have made for themselves a mighty one of gold! 

Exodus 32:33  And 'ÂDôN said to Mosheh, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I blot him out of My book

Deuteronomy 9:12  “Then 'ÂDôN said to me, ‘Arise, go down quickly from here, for your people whom you brought out of Mitsrayim have acted corruptly. They have quickly turned aside from the way which I commanded them, they have made themselves a moulded image.’ 

Deuteronomy 9:12 “And I looked and saw that you had sinned against 'ÂDôN  'ÂL SHÂDDÂY, and had made for yourselves a moulded calf! You had quickly turned aside from the way which 'ÂDôN had commanded you. 

You made a mounded and craved image of a MAN and you praise him as the 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY (ALMIGHTY), just like they did with the golden calf. Nothing new under the sun.

Let's also remember this: 

Deuteronomy  4:16  lest you should do corruptly and shall make for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure – the likeness of male or female,       (Read this over a few times and let it sink in)

Deuteronomy  4:19  and lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens, and shall see the sun, and the moon, and the stars – all the host of the heavens – and you be drawn away into bowing down to them and serving them, which 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY has allotted to all the peoples under all the heavens.

Deuteronomy 32:17  “They slaughtered to demons(mighty ones) – not 'ÂL – Mighty ones they did not know, New ones who came lately, Which your fathers did not fear. 


Isaiah 46:6-9  “They pour gold out of the bag, and weigh silver on the scale. They hire a goldsmith, and he makes it a mighty oneThey fall down, they also bow themselves.   “They bear it on the shoulder, they carry it and set it in its place, and it stands – from its place it does not move. Though one cries out to it, it does not answer, nor save him from his distress.   “Remember this, and show yourselves men; turn it back, you transgressors.   “Remember the former events of old, for I am 'ÂL, and there is no one else –'ÂL SHÂDDÂY, and there is no one like Me, 

Jeremiah 23:27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Ba'al(MAN).

Jeremiah 44:3  because of their evil which they have done to provoke Me, by going to burn incense by serving other mighty ones whom they did not knowthey nor you nor your fathers. 4  And I sent to you all My servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, “Please do not do this abominable matter that I hate!” 

Ezekiel 8:14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of 'ÂDôN house which was toward the north; and, behold,there sat women weeping for Tammuz.

Ezekiel  16:17  “And you took your splendid adornments, of My gold and My silver that I gave you, and made for yourself images of a male and whored with them


Joel 3:5  “For you have taken My silver and My gold, and brought My treasures into your temples, 

HABAKKUK 2:18  “Of what use shall a carved image beFor its maker has carved it: a moulded image and teacher of falsehood! For the maker trusts what he has made: to make dumb idols!  19  “Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Awake!’ to silent stone, ‘Arise!’ Is it a teacher? See, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no spirit at all inside it.

Zechariah 10:2  For the household idols spoke emptiness, the diviners saw falsehood, and relate dreams of deceit, they comfort in vain. Therefore they have wandered about like sheep. They are afflicted, for there is no shepherd.

Psalms 97:7 All are put to shame who serve carved images, Those boasting of matters of naught. Bow yourselves to Him, all you mighty ones

You're Priest and Pastors maybe very nice and friendly people, but they were only taught "their Religion (Babel)", their doctrines! They are taught for you to believe and have faith in MAN. Where is that in the Torah? We are commanded by the ALMIGHTY to FEAR HIM, OBEY HIS VOICE and GUARD TO DO his WORD! 

Where is your FEAR? This Isaiah 7:14 verse has nothing to do with a MAN as a son of 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY (GOD ALMIGHTY) or 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY himself coming in the flesh. It is a complete lie and a doctrine by the MEN of BABEL (Religion) or can we say MEN of deception. This should completely throw out the whole "NEW" Testament or can we say "Twistament". 

What the MEN of BABEL (Religion) did here was made their OWN doctrine and forced it on the people. They predicted a FUTURE EVENT; can we say they were diviners? Yes! Let's read what 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY warned us about here;

Deu 18:9  “When you come into the land which 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY is giving you, do not learn to do according to the abominations of those nations.10  “Let no one be found among you who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practises divination, or a user of magic, or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer, 11  or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12  “For whoever does these is an abomination to 'ÂDôN , and because of these abominations 'ÂDôN your Alahym drives them out from before you. 13  “Be perfect before 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY , 14  for these nations whom you are possessing do listen to those using magic and to diviners. But as for you, 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY has not appointed such for you. 

Prophet Jeremiah even warned us of this; 

Jer 14:14  Then 'ÂDôN said to me, “The prophets prophesy falsehood in My Name. I have not sent them, nor commanded them, nor spoken to them. They are prophesying to you a false vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own heart. 15  “Therefore thus said 'ÂDôN concerning the prophets who prophesy in My Name, whom I did not send, and who say, ‘Sword and scarcity of food shall not be in this land.’ ‘By sword and scarcity of food those prophets shall be consumed! 

What is the definition of divination, The practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. Fortune tellingdivining, predictions.

The MEN of BABEL (Religion) are diviners! They took a Prophet of our Creator out of context, twisted it and setup a worthless divination.

Wow, Can we say they are Serpents? YES! We can also say that the False MAN Idol of the New testament is also a diviner! Didn't he give you future events that hasn't happened yet? Yes! He also foretold his death! 

















Who is the Creator's son again? 


Exo 4:22  “And you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus said 'ÂDôN , “Yaśâr'âl is My son, My first-born,

Hos 11:1  “When Yaśâr'âl was a child, I loved him, and out of Mitsrayim I called My son.

Yaśâr'âl  (THE SEED) The Group of people who FEAR, OBEY and GUARD!

You can't mix the falsehood with the truth! The Truth is the Torah and 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY's VOICE! 

Messianic's and Christianity, WHERE IS YOUR FEAR? You can't obey the Creator's voice if you're still mixing the falsehood of man with His truth! When you believe this falsehood of the Virgin birth, you are worshiping a MAN. Just what the MEN of BABEL wanted!

What did these two prophets warn us about again?

Rûmyâh (Jeremiah) 51:6 Flee from the midst of Baḇel, and let each one save his life! Do not be cut off in her crookedness, for this is the time of the vengeance of 'ÂDôN , the recompense He is repaying her.

Rûmyâh (Jeremiah) 51:45  "Come out of her midst, My people! And let everyone deliver his being from the burning displeasure of 'ÂDôN .   

YÂSHÂYÂH (ISAIAH) 48:20  "Come out of bâlal (Baḇel)! Flee from the Kasdim! Declare this with a voice of singing, proclaim it, send it out to the end of the earth! Say, "'ÂDôN has redeemed His servant A‛aqḇ (Jacob)!’ ” 

Please search with all your heart and FEAR 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY and have Him teach you! 

 Please have eyes to see and ears to hear, turn back and OBEY 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY'S VOICE! Let the Master of ALL Life teach you, as He is the Teacher! All praises, glory, esteem and blessings go to our beautiful Creator!

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This site DOES NOT push any Babel (religion) or politics. This site DOES NOT ask for any of your money or any donations. This site does NOT give any money to the False State of Israel or any other nations.  This site is not to cause any harm or hate to anyone stuck in the falsehood of MAN. This is the TRUTH and is backed up by our Fathers ancient word! HIS WORD is free and to anyone that clears their mind of anything you have ever been taught by MAN or RELIGION! This site is intended to bring you back to our Creator, FEAR HIM,  OBEY HIS VOICE AND GUARD HIS COMMANDS!!  This Site GUARDS HIS WORD as we were commanded!  
Please seek 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY (ALMIGHTY) and have Him teach you His word! 
Remember, The Creator didn't have a "Religion", He had instructions on how to live and be His people!
 May you have eyes to see and ears to hear!  
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