Shâm‛ah (Exodus) 19:5
‘And now, if you diligently obey My voice, and shall guard My covenant, then you shall be My treasured possession above all the peoples
– for all the earth is Mine –
Different Religions of MAN and Man's Own understandings runs the world today. Every country or nation has a religion or a mixture of religions. All brought down from the beginning from the Tower of Babel, the crooked and corrupted priesthood we have today, nothing new under the sun. If people today would humble themselves and have eyes to see and ears to hear and turn back and fear our Creator, OBEY HIS VOICE and GUARD IT, they would have the teachings and understanding of our Creator and not all of MAN's falsehood and religious doctrines. What nation has you turning back (repenting) to our Creator, obeying HIS voice and guarding Him? None! They have you guarding "something other than" what we were commanded.
What we have today is a twisted and corrupted Priesthood with the Elders, sovereigns, leaders (Governments) and their officers. This was brought down from generation to generation.
Priesthood- Religious leaders today.
Sovereigns- World leaders, Kings and Queens, President and Vice Presidents, politicians, Governments etc...
Elders- Bishops, Deacons, officers of churches, etc...
They control everything- Banks, Tax system, Money, Water/Food, Health/Medical, governments, states, countries and all natural resources.

Jeremiah 5:30 “An astounding and horrible matter has come to be in the land: 31 The prophets have prophesied falsely, and the priests rule by their own hand, and My people have loved it so. And what are you going to do at the end of it?
Eze 16:31 “You built your arched place at the head of every way, and built your high place in every street. Yet you were unlike a whore, you scorned a harlot-fee!
Eze 22:25 “There is a conspiracy of her prophets in her midst, like a roaring lion tearing the prey. They have devoured life, they have taken wealth and precious matters, they have made many widows in her midst. 26 “Her priests have done violence to My teaching and they profane My set-apart matters. They have not distinguished between the set-apart and profane, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean. And they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths, and I am profaned in their midst. 27 “Her leaders in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, to shed blood, to destroy lives, and to get greedy gain. 28 “And her prophets have coated them with whitewash, seeing a false vision, and divining a lie for them, saying, ‘Thus said the Master 'ÂDôN,’ when 'ÂDôN had not spoken
Joel 3:5 “For you have taken My silver and My gold, and brought My treasures into your temples,
Proverbs 28:9 He that turn away his ear from hearing the torah, even his prayer shall be abomination.
Isaiah 29:13 And 'ÂDôN says, “Because this people has drawn near with its mouth, and with its lips they have esteemed Me, and it has kept its heart far from Me, and their fear of Me has become a command of men that is taught!
Isaiah 46:6-9 “They pour gold out of the bag, and weigh silver on the scale. They hire a goldsmith, and he makes it a mighty one. They fall down, they also bow themselves. “They bear it on the shoulder, they carry it and set it in its place, and it stands – from its place it does not move. Though one cries out to it, it does not answer, nor save him from his distress. “Remember this, and show yourselves men; turn it back, you transgressors. “Remember the former events of old, for I am ÂL, and there is no one else – Alahym, and there is no one like Me,
Ezekiel 8:14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of 'ÂDôN's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
Jeremiah 23:27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Ba'al.
Hosea 2:8 “And she did not acknowledge that I gave her grain, and new wine, and oil, and increased her silver and gold which they prepared for Ba‛al.
Hosea 2:13 “And I shall punish her for the days of the Ba‛als to which she burned incense and adorned herself with her rings and jewelry, and went after her lovers, and forgot Me,” declares 'ÂDôN.
Hosea 11:2 “They called to them, so they went from their face. They slaughtered to the Ba‛als, and burned incense to carved images.
Ezekiel 16:17 “And you took your splendid adornments, of My gold and My silver that I gave you, and made for yourself images of a male and whored with them.
Habakkuk 1:3 Why do You show me wickedness, and cause me to see perversity? For ruin and violence are before me. And there is strife, and contention arises. 4 Therefore the Torah ceases, and right-ruling never goes forth. For the wrong hem in the righteous, so that right-ruling comes out twisted.
Zephaniah 3:4 Her prophets are reckless, treacherous men. Her priests have profaned the set-apart place, they have done violence to the Torah.
Laws About Altars
Exo 20:25 ‘And if you make Me a slaughter-place (Altar) of stone, do not build it of cut stone, for if you use your chisel on it, you have profaned it.
Exo 20:26 ‘Nor do you go up by steps to My slaughter-place (Altar) , lest your nakedness be exposed on it.’
Note: every church or temple today has steps up to the Altar.
Lev 26:1 ‘Do not make idols for yourselves, and do not set up a carved image or a pillar for yourselves, and do not place a stone image in your land, to bow down to it. For I am 'ÂDôN your Alahym.
ISAIAH 48:20 "Come out of bâlal (Baḇel)! Flee from the Kasdim! Declare this with a voice of singing, proclaim it, send it out to the end of the earth! Say, "'ÂDôN has redeemed His servant a‛aqḇ (Jacob)!’ ”
Jeremiah 51:45 "Come out of her(Baḇel) midst, My people! And let everyone deliver his being from the burning displeasure of 'ÂDôN.
We were all brought up in Falsehood when our fathers were scattered. We inherited it from generation to generation.
Please also see the sub tab- The famous verse “Pay Caesar’s what’s Caesar’s”
MAN'S IDOL- Ba'al!
Jesus Christ - Helios Chrestos Krishna Zeus = Ba'al (MAN)
Horus and Zeus, Chrestos Mithras, Chrestos Helios, Chrestos Osiris, Krishna (is Sanskrit for Christ). All followers of pagan “Christs” were called “Christians”.
There is nothing found in Hebrew or Ancient Hebrew on Iesus. Anything that deals with Jesus is all Greek.
Greek word for "Sun"
Its all about their hēlios (SUN) Worship

Wisdom of Solomon 14:12“For the devising of idols was the beginning of spiritual fornication, and the invention of them the corruption of life.”
HABAKKUK 2:18 “Of what use shall a carved image be? For its maker has carved it: a moulded image and teacher of falsehood! For the maker trusts what he has made: to make dumb idols! 19 “Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Awake!’ to silent stone, ‘Arise!’ Is it a teacher? See, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no spirit at all inside it.
Isaiah 2:20 In that day man shall throw away his idols of silver and his idols of gold, which they made, each for himself to worship, to the moles and bats,
Joel 3:5 “For you have taken My silver and My gold, and brought My treasures into your temples,
Deuteronomy 7:25 “The carved images of their mighty ones you are to burn with fire. Do not covet the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be snared by it, for it is an abomination to 'ÂDôN your Âlâhym. 26 “And do not bring an abomination into your house, lest you be accursed like it. Utterly loathe it and utterly hate it, for it is accursed.
Deuteronomy 27:15 Cursed is the man who makes a carved or moulded image, an abomination to 'ÂDôN, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and sets it up in secret.’ And all the people shall answer and say, ‘Aměn!’
Deuteronomy 29:17 and you saw their abominations and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were with them,

idols of silver and idols of gold

Joel 3:5 “For you have taken My silver and My gold, and brought My treasures into your temples,

Deuteronomy 4:16 lest you should do corruptly and shall make for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure – the likeness of male or female,
Deuteronomy 4:19 and lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens, and shall see the sun, and the moon, and the stars – all the host of the heavens – and you be drawn away into bowing down to them and serving them, which 'ÂDôN your Alahym has allotted to all the peoples under all the heavens.
Deuteronomy 32:17 “They slaughtered to demons – not AL – Mighty ones they did not know, New ones who came lately, Which your fathers did not fear.
Isaiah 46:6-9 “They pour gold out of the bag, and weigh silver on the scale. They hire a goldsmith, and he makes it a mighty one. They fall down, they also bow themselves. “They bear it on the shoulder, they carry it and set it in its place, and it stands – from its place it does not move. Though one cries out to it, it does not answer, nor save him from his distress. “Remember this, and show yourselves men; turn it back, you transgressors. “Remember the former events of old, for I am ÂL, and there is no one else – Alahym, and there is no one like Me,
Jeremiah 44:3 because of their evil which they have done to provoke Me, by going to burn incense by serving other mighty ones whom they did not know, they nor you nor your fathers. 4 And I sent to you all My servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, “Please do not do this abominable matter that I hate!”
Eze 8:14 And He brought me to the door of the north gate of the House of 'ÂDôN, and I saw women sitting there, weeping for Tammuz. 15 Then He said to me, “Have you seen this, O son of man? You are to see still greater abominations than these.” 16 And He brought me into the inner court of the House of 'ÂDôN. And there, at the door of the Hěḵal of 'ÂDôN, between the porch and the slaughter-place, were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the Hěḵal of 'ÂDôN and their faces toward the east, and they were bowing themselves eastward to the sun.
Ezekiel 16:17 “And you took your splendid adornments, of My gold and My silver that I gave you, and made for yourself images of a male and whored with them.
Joel 3:5 “For you have taken My silver and My gold, and brought My treasures into your temples,
HABAKKUK 2:18 “Of what use shall a carved image be? For its maker has carved it: a moulded image and teacher of falsehood! For the maker trusts what he has made: to make dumb idols! 19 “Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Awake!’ to silent stone, ‘Arise!’ Is it a teacher? See, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no spirit at all inside it.
Zechariah 10:2 For the household idols spoke emptiness, the diviners saw falsehood, and relate dreams of deceit, they comfort in vain. Therefore they have wandered about like sheep. They are afflicted, for there is no shepherd.
Psalms 97:7 All are put to shame who serve carved images, Those boasting of matters of naught. Bow yourselves to Him, all you mighty ones.
Jeremiah 10:2 Thus said 'ÂDôN, “Do not learn the way of the nations, and do not be awed by the signs of the heavens, for the nations are awed by them. 3 “For the laws of these peoples are worthless, for one cuts a tree from the forest, work for the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. 4 “They beautify it with silver and gold, they strengthen it with nails and hammers so that it does not topple. 5 “They are like a rounded post, and they do not speak. They have to be carried, because they do not walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they do no evil, nor is it in them to do any good

Idols of other Mighty ones back in the day

Idol of a "other Mighty one" of today

Nothing new under the Sun!
Deuteronomy 4:16 lest you should do corruptly and shall make for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure – the likeness of male or female,
Exo 20:4 “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth,
Exo 34:17 “Do not make a moulded mighty one for yourselves.
Lev 19:4 ‘Do not turn to idols, and do not make for yourselves moulded mighty ones. I am 'ÂDôN your Alahym.
Lev 26:1 ‘Do not make idols for yourselves, and do not set up a carved image or a pillar for yourselves, and do not place a stone image in your land, to bow down to it. For I am 'ÂDôN your Âlâhym.
Dâbâr (Deuteronomy) 4:16-19 “Therefore, diligently guard yourselves, for you saw no form when 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY spoke to you at Ḥorěḇ out of the midst of the fire, lest you should do corruptly and shall make for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure – the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any beast that is on the earth or the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the heavens, the likeness of any creature that creeps on the ground or the likeness of any fish that is in the water under the earth; and lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens, and shall see the sun, and the moon, and the stars – all the host of the heavens – and you be drawn away into bowing down to them and serving them, which 'ÂDôN 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY has allotted to all the peoples under all the heavens.
Dâbâr (Deuteronomy) 5:8 You do not make for yourself a carved image, any likeness of which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth,
Dâbâr (Deuteronomy) 7:25 “The carved images of their mighty ones you are to burn with fire. Do not covet the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be snared by it, for it is an abomination to 'ÂDôN your Âlâhym. 26 “And do not bring an abomination into your house, lest you be accursed like it. Utterly loathe it and utterly hate it, for it is accursed.
The sun dies on the winter solstice, which occurs on 12/21, when the Sun is furthest away from the Earth and the days are the shortest.
They believe that the Sun is dead for 3 days, and its rebirth is celebrated on the 12/25.
The birthday of the MAN'S(Babel) sun god of Tammuz, the Greek sun god Helios, and the Roman sun god Mithra, are all celebrated on 12/25.
Prior to this, December 25th had been the Roman feast of Sol Invictus (open unconquered Sun), where they celebrated Sun worship.
Queen of Heaven was a title given to a number of ancient sky goddesses worshiped throughout the ancient Mediterranean and Near East during ancient times. Goddesses known to have been referred to by the title include Inanna, Anat, Isis, Astarte. In Greco-Roman times Hera, and her Roman aspect Juno bore this title. Forms and content of worship varied. In modern times, the title "Queen of Heaven" is still used by contemporary pagans to refer to the Great Goddess, while Catholics, Orthodox, and some Anglican Christians now apply the ancient title to Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Deuteronomy 4:16 lest you should do corruptly and shall make for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure – the likeness of male or female,
Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) 1:9-10 'What has been is what shall be, what has been done is what shall be done, and there is no new matter under the sun. Is there a matter of which it is said, “See, this is new”? It was here already, long ago.'
This whole idea of "going up to heaven."
We know by now that this idea of "heaven and hell" is a religious fraud. "Hell" simply means "death or the grave," and nobody will be "suffering or burning in hell for eternity." That's insanity. That would still be eternal life - albeit a suffering, torturous eternal life.
We already know that when we die we go nowhere but into the ground as the Torah and Prophets tells us, and we await the resurrection. The Torah refers to "sleeping with our fathers" PLENTY of times. Please see the tab "The serpent, who is Satan and hell under Sources.
We know we will be raised up, judged, and the righteous will inherit eternal life on the new earth - not "up in heaven." This "going up to heaven" thing is ridiculous, as we get put back on the land and we don't "float up to heaven."
Many different religions have an "afterlife":
According to Wikipedia we read the following:
The afterlife (also referred to as life after death or the hereafter) is the belief that an essential part of an individual's identity or the stream of consciousness continues to manifest after the death of the physical body. According to various ideas about the afterlife, the essential aspect of the individual that lives on after death may be some partial element, or the entire soul or spirit, of an individual, which carries with it and may confer personal identity or, on the contrary, may not, as in Indian nirvana. Belief in an afterlife, which may be naturalistic or supernatural, is in contrast to the belief in oblivion after death.
In addition to this "afterlife," we often hear the term "heavenly reward", which goes against the verse below from Ecclesiastes 9:5.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know nothing, nor do they have any more reward, for their remembrance is forgotten.
And in Psalms we are told:
Psalm 146:4 His spirit goes out, he returns to his earth; In that day his thoughts perish.
Again from Wikipedia:
Heaven is often described as a "higher place", the holiest place, a Paradise, in contrast to Hell or the Underworld or the "low places", and universally or conditionally accessible by earthly beings according to various standards of divinity, goodness, piety, faith, or other virtues or right beliefs or simply the will of God.
Origin of the word "heaven":
The modern English word heaven is derived from the earlier (Middle English) heven; this in turn was developed from the previous Old English form heofon. By about the year 1000, heofon was being used in reference to the Christianized "place where God dwells", but originally, it had signified "sky, firmament." The English term has cognates in the other Germanic languages: Old Saxon "heƀan," Middle Low German "heven," Old Icelandic "himinn," Gothic "himins," Dutch "hemel," and modern German "Himmel."
Note in the following religions the idea of "heaven" being a reward for "good" behavior, under an individual's own merit AND the idea of heaven being in an UPWARD or VERTICAL trajectory/position relative to the earthly realm.
Egyptian view of heaven:
In Ancient Egyptian religion, belief in an afterlife is much more stressed than in ancient Judaism. Heaven was a physical place far above the Earth in a "dark area" of space where there were no stars, basically beyond the Universe. According to the Book of the Dead, departed souls would undergo a literal journey to reach Heaven, along the way to which there could exist hazards and other entities attempting to deny the reaching of Heaven. Their heart would finally be weighed with the feather of truth, and if the sins weighed it down their heart was devoured.
In Buddhism worships a man and there are several Heavens existing above the human realm, all of which are still part of samsara (illusionary reality). Those who accumulate good karma may be reborn[11] in one of them. However, their stay in Heaven is not eternal—eventually they will use up their good karma and will undergo rebirth into another realm, as a human, animal or other being. Because Heaven is temporary and part of samsara, Buddhists focus more on escaping the cycle of rebirth and reaching enlightenment (nirvana). Nirvana is not a heaven but a mental state.
In most forms of Christianity, heaven is also understood as the abode for the redeemed dead in the afterlife, usually a temporary stage before the resurrection of the dead and the saints' return to the New Earth.
The resurrected Jesus is said to have ascended to heaven where he now sits at the Right Hand of God and will return to earth in the Second Coming. Various people have been said to have entered heaven while still alive, including Enoch, Elijah and Jesus himself, after his resurrection. According to Roman Catholic teaching, Mary, mother of Jesus, is also said to have been assumed into heaven and is titled the Queen of Heaven.
(Just like the god "mithra's" mother. I'll be darned)
According to Hindu cosmology, above the earthly plane, are other planes: (1) Bhuva Loka, (2) Swarga Loka, meaning Good Kingdom, is the general name for heaven in Hinduism, a heavenly paradise of pleasure, where most of the Hindu Devatas (Deva) reside along with the king of Devas, Indra, and beatified mortals.
The concept of Heaven in Islam differs in many respects to the concept in Judaism and Christianity. Heaven is described primarily in physical terms as a place where every wish is immediately fulfilled when asked. Islamic texts describe immortal life in Heaven as happy, without negative emotions. Those who dwell in Heaven are said to wear costly apparel, partake in exquisite banquets, and recline on couches inlaid with gold or precious stones. Inhabitants will rejoice in the company of their parents, spouses, and children. In Islam if one's good deeds outweigh one's sins then one may gain entrance to Heaven. Conversely, if one's sins outweigh their good deeds they are sent to hell. The more good deeds one has performed the higher the level of Heaven one is directed to. It has been said that the lowest level of Heaven, the first one, is already over one-hundred times better than the greatest life on Earth. The highest level is the seventh Heaven. Houses are built by angels for the occupants using solid gold.
Below is one example of Judaism's view of the afterlife (although some sources state that they don't actually believe in "heaven" as a place in the afterlife, per se.
The Talmud offers a number of thoughts relating to the afterlife. After death, the soul is brought for judgment. Those who have led pristine lives enter immediately into the Olam Haba or world to come. Most do not enter the world to come immediately, but now experience a period of review of their earthly actions and they are made aware of what they have done wrong. Some view this period as being a "re-schooling", with the soul gaining wisdom as one's errors are reviewed. Others view this period to include spiritual discomfort for past wrongs. At the end of this period, not longer than one year, the soul then takes its place in the world to come. Although discomforts are made part of certain Jewish conceptions of the afterlife, the concept of "eternal damnation", so prevalent in other religions, is not a tenet of the Jewish afterlife. According to Maimonides, an afterlife continues for the soul of every human being, a soul now separated from the body in which it was "housed" during its earthly existence.
(any of various religious or philosophical systems claiming to be based on or to express an intuitive insight into the divine nature; claiming to be derived from the sacred writings of Brahmanism and Buddhism, but denying the existence of any personal God) It is believed in Theosophy that each religion (including Theosophy) has its own individual heaven in various regions of the upper astral plane that fits the description of that heaven that is given in each religion, which a soul that has been good in their previous life on Earth will go to. The area of the upper astral plane of Earth in the upper atmosphere where the various heavens are located is called Summerland [a place name shared with Wiccans] (Theosophists believe Hell is located in the lower astral plane of Earth which extends downward from the surface of the earth down to its center).
See how ALL of these religions have people GOING UP! Isn't that strange? But why did we just go through all of these different concepts of "heaven" in these other religions?
People in religion try to do what's right in their own eyes, thinking something along the lines of "well I hope *I* am going to heaven for this or that."
And it's easy to see what they are doing.
The whole "going up to heaven" thing is nothing but the "Tower of Babel" incident ALL OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
They wanted to be "up in heaven" as gods, so they figured they'd build a tower up to get in.
Let's read the Biblical story of the "Tower of bâlal (Babel)":
Genesis 11:2-8 And it came to be, as they set out from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinʽar, and they dwelt there. And they said to each other, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens, and make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered over all the face of the earth.” Then 'ÂDôN came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And 'ÂDôN said, “Look, they are one people and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do! And now, they are not going to be withheld from doing whatever they plan to do. “Come, let Us go there and confuse their language, so that they do not understand one another’s speech.” And 'ÂDôN scattered them from there, over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city.
In generalized terms, the beliefs of the afterlife in "heaven" in most major religions is thought of as a journey upward, brought about by the individual's good behavior and seemingly reached under man's own power or, sometimes, through the "unwarranted" grace of the "god" or "gods" believed to be the inhabitants and rulers of this plane.
See the similarities to the tower of bâlal (Babel), where they were trying to reach the heavens and the "as gods" under their own power? AND the idea of heaven being in an UPWARD or VERTICAL trajectory/position relative to the earthly realm?
People are still trying to follow this "MAN Idol" god as a way to get up into the heavens. There's nothing new under the sun. It's still the same "Tower of Babel"
From the Torah:
Deuteronomy 18:9 “When you come into the land which 'ÂDôN your Alahym is giving you, do not learn to do according to the abominations of those nations." (Nations here means "A body of prideful people")
Those who follow this new testament "MAN Idol," are doing according to the abominations of the nations who worshiped virtually the same deity FIVE THOUSAND YEARS ago, a practice which was forbidden by our Creator as we just read in Deuteronomy 18.
Think about it.
Taking all of this into consideration, what we are faced with is the realization that the new testament and it's MAN Idol are fictitious, and NOT of Alahym. It is merely idolatry of the same old same old pagan gods who share virtually all of the attributes as this new testament MAN Idol.
Proverbs 1:26 “Let me also laugh at your calamity, Mock when your dread comes,
JEREMIAH 52:13-22- and he burned the House of 'ÂDôN, and the sovereign’s house, and all the houses of Yerushalayim, and all the houses of the great men, he burned with fire. 14 And all the army of the Kasdim who were with the chief of the guard broke down all the walls of Yerushalayim all around. 15 And Neḇuzaraḏan, chief of the guard, exiled some of the poor people, and the rest of the people who were left in the city, and the defectors who had gone over to the sovereign of Baḇel, and the rest of the craftsmen. 16 But Neḇuzaraḏan, chief of the guard, left some of the poor of the land as vinedressers and farmers. 17 And the Kasdim broke the bronze columns that were in the House of 'ÂDôN, and the stands and the bronze Sea that were in the House of 'ÂDôN, and brought all their bronze to Baḇel. 18 They also took away the pots, and the shovels, and the snuffers, and the bowls, and the ladles, and all the bronze utensils with which they served, 19 and the basins, and the fire holders, and the bowls, and the pots, and the lampstands, and the ladles, and the cups, whatever was of solid gold and whatever was of solid silver, the chief of the guard took. 20 The two columns, one Sea, the twelve bronze bulls which were under it, and the stands, which Sovereign Shelomoh had made for the House of 'ÂDôN– the bronze of all these vessels was beyond weighing. 21 As for the columns, the height of one column was eighteen cubits, and its circumference was twelve cubits, and its thickness was four fingers, hollow. 22 And a capital of bronze was on it. And the height of one capital was five cubits, with a network and pomegranates all around the capital, all of bronze. And the second column, with pomegranates was the same.
Hab 1:2-11 O 'ÂDôN, till when shall I cry, and You not hear? I cry to You, “Violence!” and You do not save.Why do You show me wickedness, and cause me to see perversity? For ruin and violence are before me. And there is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the Torah ceases, and right-ruling never goes forth. For the wrong hem in the righteous, so that right-ruling comes out twisted. “Look among the nations and see, and be amazed, be amazed! For a work is being wrought in your days which you would not believe if it were told. “See, I am raising up the Kasdim, a bitter and hasty nation, who is going through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not theirs. “They are frightening and fearsome, their right-ruling and their exaltation proceed from themselves. “Their horses shall be swifter than leopards, and more fierce than evening wolves. And their horsemen shall charge ahead, and their horsemen come from afar. They fly as the eagle, rushing to eat.“All of them come for violence, the direction of their faces is like the east wind, and they gather captives like sand.“And they scoff at sovereigns, and princes are a laughing matter to them. They laugh at every stronghold, for they pile up earth and seize it. “Then shall he pass on as a wind, and transgress and be guilty, and ascribe this power to his mighty one.”
Hab 2:1-20 I stand at my watch, and station myself on the watch-tower, and wait to see what He says to me, and what to answer when I am reproved. And ÂDôN answered me and said, “Write the vision and inscribe it on tablets, so that he who reads it runs. “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, and it speaks of the end, and does not lie. If it lingers, wait for it, for it shall certainly come, it shall not delay. “See, he whose being is not upright in him is puffed up. But the righteous one lives by his steadfastness. “And also, because wine betrays him, a man is proud, and he does not stay at home. Because he enlarges his appetite as She’ol, and he is like death, and is not satisfied, and gathers to himself all nations and heaps up for himself all peoples. “Shall not all these lift up a proverb against him, and a mocking riddle against him, and say, ‘Woe to him who increases what is not his! Till when is he to load on himself many pledges’? “Do not your creditors rise up suddenly? And those who make you tremble wake up and you be plunder for them? “Because you have plundered many nations, all the remnant of the people shall plunder you, because of men’s blood, and doing violence to the land, to the city, and to all who dwell in it. “Woe to him who is getting evil gain for his house, in order to set his nest on high, to escape the clutches of evil! “You have counselled shame for your house, to cut off many peoples, and your being is sinning. “For a stone from the wall cries out, and a beam from the timbers answers it. “Woe to him who builds a town by blood, and establishes a city by unrighteousness! “See, it is not from ÂDôN of hosts that peoples labour only for fire, and nations weary themselves for naught, for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the esteem of ÂDôN, as the waters cover the sea! “Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbour, pouring out your wineskin, and also making him drunk – in order to look on their nakedness! “You shall be filled with shame instead of esteem. Drink, you too, and be exposed as uncircumcised! The cup of the right hand of ÂDôN shall come around to you, and great shame upon your esteem. “For the violence done to Leḇanon is to overwhelm you – and the ravaging of beasts by which you made them afraid – because of men’s blood and the violence to the land, to the city and of all who dwell in it. “Of what use shall a carved image be? For its maker has carved it: a moulded image and teacher of falsehood! For the maker trusts what he has made: to make dumb idols! “Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Awake!’ to silent stone, ‘Arise!’ Is it a teacher? See, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no spirit at all inside it. “But ÂDôN is in His set-apart Hěḵal. Let all the earth be silent before Him.”
What is a Kasdim (Chaldeans) Strongs H3778 kaśdı̂ymâh
(kas-dee', kas-dee'-maw) - an astrologer, a person who uses astrology to tell others about their character or to predict their future.
Chaldean Catholics (/kælˈdiːən/), known simply as Chaldeans (Kasdim) (Kaldāye; ܟܠܕܝ̈ܐ or ܟܲܠܕܵܝܹܐ), are Assyrian Syriac Christian adherents of the Chaldean Catholic Church which emerged from the Church of the East after the schism of 1552.
Astrology is a pseudoscience that claims to divine information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects. Pseudoscience consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that are claimed to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the scientific method.
Throughout most of its history, astrology was considered a scholarly tradition and was common in academic circles, often in close relation with astronomy, alchemy, meteorology, and medicine.
Leviticus 19:26;31 ‘Do not eat meat with the blood. Do not practise divination or magic.
‘Do not turn to mediums, and do not seek after spiritists to be defiled by them. I am 'ÂDôN your Alahym
Deuteronomy 18:9-14 “When you come into the land which 'ÂDôN your Alahym is giving you, do not learn to do according to the abominations of those nations (a body of prideful people). “Let no one be found among you who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practises divination, or a user of magic, or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12 “For whoever does these is an abomination to 'ÂDôN, and because of these abominations 'ÂDôN your Alahym drives them out from before you. “Be perfect before 'ÂDôN your Alahym, for these nations(a body of prideful people) whom you are possessing do listen to those using magic and to diviners. But as for you, 'ÂDôN your Alahym has not appointed such for you.
and as for Astronomer's (scientist) and all their foolish branches like planetary astronomy, galactic astronomy, or physical cosmology, they also became fools. The same fools who gave us NASA, H.A.A.R.P., D.E.W., Climate Control, The Weather Channel, Aliens etc...
Deuteronomy 4:19 and lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens, and shall see the sun, and the moon, and the stars – all the host of the heavens – and you be drawn away into bowing down to them and serving them, which HÂYÂH your Alahym has allotted to all the peoples under all the heavens.
Jeremiah 10:2 Thus said 'ÂDôN, “Do not learn the way of the nations, and do not be awed by the signs of the heavens, for the nations are awed by them.
and for ‘Evolutionist’ those who reject creation, THEY BECAME DUMB and DEAF FOOLS!
Nothing really different with any of these evil people. They all go against what the Creator commanded us NOT to do!
All of them are from the MEN of BABEL!!

ISAIAH 29:14 “Therefore, see, I am again doing a marvellous work among this people, a marvellous work and a wonder. And the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their clever men shall be hidden.”
ISAIAH 48:20 "Come out of bâlal (Baḇel)! Flee from the Kasdim! Declare this with a voice of singing, proclaim it, send it out to the end of the earth! Say, ‘'ÂDôN has redeemed His servant Ya‛aqḇ(Jacob)!’ ”
Jeremiah 51:6 Flee from the midst of Baḇel, and let each one save his life! Do not be cut off in her crookedness, for this is the time of the vengeance of 'ÂDôN, the recompense He is repaying her.
Jeremiah 51:45 "Come out of her midst, My people! And let everyone deliver his being from the burning displeasure of 'ÂDôN.

Obelisks or SUN pillars with the Asherim ('Ashayrah) The Mark!
Obelisks (Pillars) were constructed from pillars built for Sun worship “religion” as Egyptian god of life and procreation; identified with the Sun-god as supreme deity.
These exact same pagan structures are echoed throughout our “Christian” nations. A massive obelisk sits in the very center of St. Peter’s Square of The Vatican (birthplace and capital city of Christianity) in Rome surrounded by Occult symbols and figures and idols of pagan gods.
The Vatican is THE pagan temple of sun worship. And we have an obelisk constructed in the heart of our own “Christian” nation we call The Washington Monument. This is a monument to Babel(Religion) (MAN)
These obelisks to this day grace the tops of Christian Churches, we just call them “steeples” adorned with a PAGAN Cross to honor and worship "Human Sacrifice".
Christians are still 100% Catholic in doctrine they are just “protesting Catholics” called “Protestants”.
Deu 7:5 “But this is what you do to them: Break down their slaughter-places, and smash their pillars, and cut down their Ashěrim, and burn their carved images with fire.
Hos 8:4 “They have made sovereigns, but not from Me. They have made rulers, but I have not known. From their silver and gold they made idols for themselves, so that they are cut off.
Hos 8:11 “Since Ephrayim has made many slaughter-places for sin, they have been slaughter-places for sinning to him. 12 “I have written for him numerous matters of My Torah – they were regarded as strange. 13 “As for My slaughterings: they slaughter flesh and they eat. 'ÂDôN shall not accept them. Now does He remember their crookedness and punish their sins. Let them return to Mitsrayim!

Sun Pillars was built into a Trinity

Jeremiah 6:13 “For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, they are all greedy for gain. And from the prophet even to the priest, all act falsely.

Gay Rabbi's

Gay Rabbi's
GAY Marriage " same-sex marriage" , TRANSGENDER & LGBTQ groups is an
Lev 20:13 ‘And a man who lies with a male as he lies with a woman: both of them have done an abomination, they shall certainly be put to death, their blood is upon them.
Lev 18:22 ‘And do not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination.
Lev 18:6 ‘No one is to approach anyone of his own flesh to uncover his nakedness. I am 'ÂDôN.
Deu 22:5 “A woman does not wear that which pertains to a man, nor does a man put on a woman’s garment, for whoever does this is an abomination to 'ÂDôN your Alahym.

Lev 11:7 and the pig, though it has a split hoof, completely divided, yet does not chew the cud, it is unclean to you. 8 ‘Their flesh you do not eat, and their carcasses you do not touch. They are unclean to you.
Lev 19:26 ‘Do not eat meat with the blood. Do not practise divination or magic.
Lev 19:28 ‘And do not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor put tattoo marks on you. I am 'ÂDôN.
Lev 19:31 ‘Do not turn to mediums, and do not seek after spiritists to be defiled by them. I am 'ÂDôN your Alahym.
Deu 14:8 “And the pig is unclean for you, because it has a split hoof, but does not chew the cud. You do not eat their flesh or touch their dead carcasses.
Eze 22:26 “Her priests have done violence to My teachings and they profane My set-apart matters. They have not distinguished between the set-apart and profane, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean.
Hos 8:11 “Since Ephrayim has made many slaughter-places for sin, they have been slaughter-places for sinning to him. 12 “I have written for him numerous matters of My Torah – they were regarded as strange. 13 “As for My slaughterings: they slaughter flesh and they eat. 'ÂDôN shall not accept them. Now does He remember their crookedness and punish their sins. Let them return to Mitsrayim!
Hos 9:3 They shall not dwell in the land of 'ÂDôN, but Ephrayim shall return to Mitsrayim, and eat unclean food in Ashshur.

Greek goddess
Isis is the Egyptian name for the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, who is also the same as Athena (Greece), Minerva (Egypt and Greece), Astarte (Syria), Cybele (Rome), Ashtoreth (Israel), and Diana (Ephesus). This statue of the pagan Madonna, the Statue of "Liberty," is a statue of this same ancient pagan "Queen of Heaven,"
Deuteronomy 4:16 lest you should do corruptly and shall make for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure – the likeness of male or female,
Man made (Babel) Holidays
Thanksgiving- Man made- No where in Scripture
Christmas- honoring the rebirth of the Sun.
Easter- Honoring the Sungods and Man's gods
New years- Man made, the real New Year is in the month of Abib (Spring)
Valentines Day- Man made - No where in Scripture
St. Patrick's Day- Man made- No where in Scripture (Honoring a man)
Father and Mothers Day- Man made- No where in Scripture (You should honor your Dad and Mom everyday, it is a commandment)
Independence Day (4th of July)- Man made- No where in Scripture (Giving honor to a prideful nation)
Presidents day Man made- No where in Scripture (Honoring a man or men and honoring the dead)
Memorial Day- Man made- No where in Scripture (Honoring the dead)
Columbus Day- Man made- No where in Scripture (Honoring a man)
Groundhog Day- Man made-No where in Scripture
Labor Day - Man made- No where in Scripture (Honoring a day for you being a slave to the Crooked Priesthood and their Elders)
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Man made- No where in Scripture (Honoring a man and honoring the dead)
George Washington's Birthday - Man made- No where in Scripture (Honoring a man and honoring the dead)
Halloween- Man made- No where in Scripture
Hanukkah- Man made- No where in Scripture
Purim - Man made- No where in Scripture
Veterans Day- Man made- No where in Scripture (Honoring the dead) Note: These men & women didn't have to fight and die if the twisted priesthood, governments and world leaders didn't cause all the wars over religion, power, control and money of the world.
Deu 18:10 “Let no one be found among you who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practises divination, or a user of magic, or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer, 11 or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12 “For whoever does these is an abomination to 'ÂDôN, and because of these abominations 'ÂDôN your Alahym drives them out from before you.13 “Be perfect before 'ÂDôN your Alahym,
Deu 18:14 for these nations whom you are possessing do listen to those using magic and to diviners. But as for you, 'ÂDôN your Alahym has not appointed such for you.
Dan 7:25 and it speaks words against the Most High, and it wears out the set-apart ones of the Most High, and it intends to change appointed times and law, and they are given into its hand for a time and times and half a time.
Isa 1:14 “My being hates your New moons and your appointed times, they are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them.
Isa 8:19 And when they say to you, “Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,” should not a people seek their Alahym? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? 20 To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no daybreak.
Amo 5:21 “I have hated, I have despised your festivals, and I am not pleased with your assemblies.
Ecc 9:5 For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know naught, nor do they have any more reward, for their remembrance is forgotten. 6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy have now perished; and they no longer have a share in all that is done under the sun.
bâlal (BABEL) has become one again!

MEN of BABEL working with each other.

Rûmyâh (JEREMIAH) 6:13 “For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, they are all greedy for gain. And from the prophet even to the priest, all act falsely. 14 “And they heal the breach of My people slightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.
JEREMIAH 51:45 "Come out of her (BABEL) midst, My people! And let everyone deliver his being from the burning displeasure of 'ÂDôN.
Why does the earth have to burn? So the Creator can cleanse it from all the unrighteousness and wickedness.
Here is for all the people trying to save the planet and all the foolish people who push climate change.
Isaiah 24:1-6 See, 'ÂDôN is making the earth empty and making it waste, and shall overturn its surface, and shall scatter abroad its inhabitants. And it shall be – as with the people so with the priest, as with the servant so with his master, as with the female servant so with her mistress, as with the buyer so with the seller, as with the lender so with the borrower, as with the creditor so with the debtor; the earth is completely emptied and utterly plundered, for 'ÂDôN has spoken this word.
The earth shall mourn and wither, the world shall languish and wither, the haughty people of the earth shall languish. For the earth has been defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the Torah, changed the law, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse shall consume the earth, and those who dwell in it be punished. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth shall be burned, and few men shall be left.
Isaiah 34:2 For the displeasure of 'ÂDôN is against all the nations, and His wrath against all their divisions. He shall put them under the ban, He shall give them over to the slaughter, 3 and their slain be thrown out, and their stench rise from their corpses. And mountains shall be melted with their blood. 4 And all the host of the heavens shall rot away. And the heavens shall be rolled up like a scroll, and all their host fade like a leaf fading on the vine, and like the fading one of a fig tree. 5 “For My sword shall be drenched in the heavens. Look, it comes down on Eḏom, and on the people of My curse, for judgment.
Isaiah 66:24 “And they shall go forth and look upon the corpses of the men who have transgressed against Me. For their worm shall not die, and their fire not be quenched. And they shall be repulsive to all flesh!”
Jeremiah 6:19 “Hear, O earth! See, I am bringing evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened to My words, nor My Torah – and they rejected it.
Jeremiah 25:33 “And in that day the slain of 'ÂDôN shall be from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth. They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried, for they are dung on the face of the ground.
Psalms 110:6 He judges among the nations, He shall fill the nations with dead bodies, He shall crush the Head over the mighty earth!
Micah 5:10-15 “And it shall be in that day,” declares 'ÂDôN, “that I shall cut off your horses out of your midst, and I shall destroy your chariots. 11 “And I shall cut off the cities of your land, and I shall pull down all your strongholds. 12 “And I shall cut off witchcrafts out of your hand, and let you have no magicians. 13 “And I shall cut off your carved images, and your pillars from your midst, so that you no longer bow down to the work of your hands. 14 “And I shall pluck your Ashěrim out of your midst, and I shall destroy your cities. 15 “And I shall take vengeance in wrath and rage on the nations who did not obey.”
Zephaniah 1:14 Near is the great day of 'ÂDôN, near and hurrying greatly, the noise of the day of 'ÂDôN. Let the mighty man then bitterly cry out! 15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of distress and trouble, a day of waste and ruin, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, 16 a day of a shophar and sounding – against the walled cities and against the corner towers. 17 “And I shall bring distress on men, and they shall walk like blind men – because they have sinned against 'ÂDôN, and their blood shall be poured out like dust and their flesh like dung.” 18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of 'ÂDôN. And by the fire of His jealousy all the earth shall be consumed, for He makes a sudden end of all those who dwell in the earth.
Joel 2:30-31 “And I shall give signs in the heavens and upon the earth: blood and fire and columns of smoke, the sun is turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of 'ÂDôN.
Malach 4:1 “For look, the day shall come, burning like a furnace, and all the proud, and every wrongdoer shall be stubble. And the day that shall come shall burn them up,” said 'ÂDôN of hosts, “which leaves to them neither root nor branch.2 “But to you who fear My Name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings. And you shall go out and leap for joy like calves from the stall. 3 “And you shall trample the wrongdoers, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” said 'ÂDôN of hosts. 4 “Remember the Torah of Mashah (Moses), My servant, which I commanded him in Ḥorěḇ for all Yisra’ěl – laws and right-rulings. (OBEY & Guard HIS VOICE) the 10 commandments!
Please have eyes to see and ears to hear, turn back and OBEY 'ÂL SHÂDDÂY'S VOICE! Let the Master of ALL Life teach you, as He is the Teacher! All praises, glory, esteem and blessings go to our beautiful Creator!